Prana Cooking - intuitive cooking

It is very easy for us to get lost in the overabundance of food and health advice and often feel overwhelmed by the flood of information telling us what we should or should not eat. Wouldn't you rather ask yourself the question "What is good for ME"?

Would you like to be able to fully rely on your intuition when choosing and preparing food?
Then this workshop is just right for you.

Since each person is very individual and unique, we all need very different foods and food combinations and to be fit, vital and healthy.

To learn to cook intuitively, we will first teach you to perceive your body's signals correctly and to trust your feelings. You will be able to instinctively combine ingredients in the way that is best for you and your health.

At this point, intuitive shopping must not go unmentioned as it is the prerequisite for you to achieve your wellness goals. We will teach you how to choose the foods you need to promote and maintain your health based on your gut.

Finally, as an absolute highlight, you will be taught how to energetically charge your food with powerful life energy (prana). Energetically recharging food is essential, especially since many factors cause our food to lack the nutrients we all so desperately need.


  • 5 - 8 people
  • 2 dates
  • Duration 2h hours
  • Online course via Zoom
  • Price in group: 250€ per person
  • Price single: 1250€ per person

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